Friday, May 3, 2019

Some Fun Ideas to Promote Bonding between Teams

In an organization of thousand people, bonding is the glue that holds everything together. If you are noticing some fallouts and conflicts among your employees lately, it’s time to get them re-bonded. Now it’s not as easy as it sounds. Achieving a seamless and longstanding coherence among your employees is a long process. Ingredients like fun, challenges, socializing and brainstorming are the juice of team bonding. If you are up for it, then here are some result-driven fun-filled ideas to bring the energy level back up and synergize your teams for full productivity. 

Outdoor Challenges

If your team’s productivity has slackened lately, it’s possible that they have been burning all their energy working in their cubicles. Get your team outdoors and let them make some fun memories together. Now a great team bonding idea in the nature is challenges. If you have a little capital to spare, hire a team bonding company and they will organize the event for you. A scavenger’s hunt, a challenge in the woods, there are hundreds of ingenious ways to spark up that bonding between your employees over the course of a day and make it last for month before you arrange for another field day. 
Team Bonding
A Cooking Event

If a day outside sounds too prosaic to you, then do it differently with a cooking competition. Nothing ups the level of bonding between coworkers than a big nice feast, and what better way to throw it than a cooking competition. Urge your employees to cook something for the team, and have a potluck. If you are looking for a hassle-free way to do it, then invite them over to a team dinner, and watch them bond over food. Ultimately, the food serves only as the facilitator, allowing the employees to socialize in a relaxed and fun environment. 

A Laser Tag Match

Who doesn’t like laser tag? Even the laziest of people love to play tag once in a while. Not only is it a very effective way to build a team spirit, it is also a nice pretext for your employees to leave their seats and get some physical exercise. Split your work strength up into teams and let them enjoy a round of tag at the nearest entertainment station. For more fun, add a paintball session with it.

A Board Game Tourney 

Lastly, when time is in short supply and you need your teams to hold it together, a quick way to get them going is to arrange for a board game tournament. It’s low-key with very little physical activity, but is all the same a very effect team bonding exercise. The office cafeteria or an outdoor space suffices as a venue for this.

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